54+ Printable To Do List & Checklist Templates

Most of us use some form of a list in our everyday lives to help us keep track of the tasks we want to accomplish or help us remember important things in our lives. Making a list also helps us save time and not forget things, such as a grocery list of items we need to purchase for supper. Creating a checklist of all of the items we need to bring with us on vacation is another very common list.

Lists are used extensively in business as well. Task lists, To-do lists, and project lists are just a few of the different forms they may take. Many people will list the items they want to keep track of on a notepad, while many will use electronic lists on their computers or smartphones.

Let’s review list templates, what they are, types, and how to create them in the following paragraphs.

What Is a List Template?

A list template is a document or spreadsheet or a master list you have created to use every time you need to keep track of something. For example, a grocery list template might contain all of the groceries you typically purchase when grocery shopping. Every item is not required each time you go to the grocery store. However, reviewing the master grocery list template each time and selecting those items needed on the current trip will help save time and avoid multiple trips to the store to purchase items that were forgotten.

The same concept applies to many different types of activities, e.g., vacation planning, donation planning, guest lists, and many more. Once you have created your master list template, it can be reused each time you need to complete an activity.

Types of List Templates

There are many different list templates; however, they do have some things in common. They are tailored to the activity the list will be used for. For example, a To-Do list will have a task, start date, due date, and other subcategories based on the objective of the list. A grocery list will have a list of items to purchase (task) and possibly the prices indicated to help with budgeting. The following is a short description and list templates (in Word, Excel and PDF Format) of several of the more common lists many consumers and business people use in their everyday lives.

Reference List Template

A reference list template helps you to organize those people you would like to ask to be referenced for a job application or a personal application, e.g., colleges and universities. Always ask your intended reference if it is ok to submit their name as a reference to avoid any embarrassing moments.

The following headings are common for a reference list template:

  • Name
  • Job title
  • Full contact information
  • Workplace
  • Your relationship
  • Company or organization you provided their name to
  • The date you provided their name

Modern References List

Minimal Modern References List template


No of Downloads : 12

Job References List

Employment Reference List - Word, Google Docs


No of Downloads : 5

Professional References List

Professional Reference Page


No of Downloads : 3

Blank References List

Blank Reference Page


No of Downloads : 2

Shopping List Template

The shopping list template is a straightforward template providing space to list all of the items on your shopping list for the day or whatever time period you choose. Items missed or not found can be transferred to a new shopping list for the next time.

Many consumers will place their shopping list in a convenient place, often the kitchen, so they can quickly jot down items they may need to pick up on their next shopping excursion.

    To-Do List Template

    The To-Do list template can be a simple list of things that need to be completed, or it can be very sophisticated and include:

    • Title
    • Description
    • Start date
    • Due date
    • Resources needed
    • And much more

    The To-Do list is a very useful tool to keep track of all of the tasks that must be attended to during busy schedules. Completed items can be crossed off, providing a sense of accomplishment. Uncompleted items can either be rescheduled to another day or left as uncompleted, requiring attention and focus.

      Asset List Template

      Your assets consist of everything you own, whether it is cash, equities, mutual funds, bonds, your bank accounts, property and land, and all of your personal property, including your house, furnishings, vehicles, and all of the toys you may own. The first step is to consider what kind of an asset list you want to maintain. For example, it might be only financial. Other types are physical assets such as property or perhaps your personal property. The headings you may use may vary depending on the type of asset; however, in general, you need the following:

      • Index number
      • Item description
      • Quantity
      • Location
      • Date purchased
      • Model number
      • Serial number
      • Approximate value
      • Date sold or removed from the list

      In addition to being organized and having a list of everything you own, asset lists are handy to have for insurance claims. Your list eliminates guessing about what you had when it was purchased and the value. Many consumers keep their asset list in a safe place where it cannot be damaged by fire or floods.

      Equipment Inventory List Template

      Equipment Inventory List Template in Google Sheets and Excel


      No of Downloads : 9

      Inventory List Template in Excel

      Inventory List Template in Excel


      No of Downloads : 12

      Fire Alarm Asset List

      Fire Alarm Asset List


      No of Downloads : 5

      Blank Asset List Template

      Blank Asset List Template


      No of Downloads : 42

      Attendance List Template

      Attendance list templates are useful to keep track of who is attending, their contact information, and whether you have reached out to them after your event. The simplest one is the school attendance list template, where you check attendance each morning to keep track of who is in attendance each morning.

      Attendance lists are also used at seminars, meetings, and any group activity that involves keeping track of who is participating. Headings for this type of attendance list may include:

      • ID number
      • Full name
      • Company
      • Phone number
      • Email
      • Contact permission
      • (Other as dictated by the type of meeting, seminar, etc.)

        Catering List Template

        Several catering list templates may be required depending on your business and the services offered. A contract catering list template lists all of the services offered by your company with a location for the customer to check off those services needed, the price, and a location for their signature.

        From the contract catering list, some companies will create catering delivery checklist templates to capture all of the items that must be completed and delivered to the venue. If multiple groups are involved, there may be several lists, e.g., furniture, food, decoration, etc.; your list may also include who is assigned to each task and when each item needs to be completed.

          Checklist Template

          The checklist template can be a generic template to list anything that must be kept track of. It can be specialized and focused on a particular activity. For example, a checklist for travel would include all of the things you may need to bring with you on every trip, things to do when leaving the house, e.g., adjusting the thermometer, locking doors and windows, turning the water off, setting automatic lights and setting the alarm system to name a few. This list would be used every time you left on a trip and updated as new items were identified that needed to be added.

            Contact List Template

            Contact list templates are often used by individuals and companies to keep track of their contacts or generate new contacts. You may have seen a signup sheet at a conference where you can request more information. These contact list templates request basic info such as:

            • Name
            • Email
            • Phone number
            • Company
            • Product interest

            There may be additional columns to check off that you have contacted or followed up with the person regarding their interest area.

            A contact list can also have additional information that is gathered and maintained by sales teams. In addition to the above, they may add some or all of the following:

            • Contact category
            • Date of the last contact
            • Date to Follow-up
            • Hot or cold prospect

            And more depending on the business and use of the contact list.

              Donation List Template

              Donation list templates help you keep track of donations made to your organization, who donated them, and how they are distributed. Keep a master donation list template handy and use multiple pages whenever you need them. The headings on your template should include:

              • Counter or serial number
              • Category
              • Item description
              • Donated from
              • Donate to
              • Notes

                Grocery List Template

                A grocery list template can be a simple list of groceries routinely purchased for the family. While the list contains all of the items normally purchased, not every trip to the grocery store requires each item to be purchased. The list can be used as a reminder of those items to confirm they are needed with a checkmark or a separate grocery list for the day’s shopping.

                A grocery list can be used to compare prices to ensure the consumer is getting the best price. Adding columns to include multiple stores and the price at each store for comparison can save money for the consumer, even though it does take additional work.

                The grocery list template might contain the following columns:

                • Grocery item
                • Quantity needed
                • Store name #1 (the price at the store for each grocery item is provided in this column)
                • Total Cost
                • Store name #2
                • Total Cost

                Stores are added based on how many will be used in comparison shopping. The total cost can be used to help decide which store will be selected for purchasing various items.

                  Guest List Template

                  Guestlist templates are much like attendance lists; however, they can be divided into two separate lists. The first is a list you might prepare listing all of the people you intend to invite to an event, e.g., party, wedding, meeting, etc.

                  Titles might include:

                  • Full name
                  • Address
                  • Email
                  • Phone number

                  The second type of guest list template is even closer to an attendance list. Perhaps you would make it available for people to add their names and contact information as they enter the event. This is useful to keep track of who attended and for later follow-up.

                  Titles may include:

                  • Full name
                  • Address
                  • Phone number
                  • Email
                  • Other as needed depending on the event

                    Inventory List Template

                    Much like an asset list, the inventory list template is often used by business people while taking inventory of all of their finished and unfinished goods along with equipment, etc. each is customized to fit the business the inventory list will be used for; however, some of the essential headings included in an inventory list template are:

                    • Index number
                    • Item description
                    • Quantity
                    • Location
                    • Date purchased
                    • Model number
                    • Serial number
                    • Approximate value
                    • Date sold or removed from the list

                      Packing List Template

                      Packing list templates are used during the shipping process to indicate what is being shipped and to who. Company information is already included on the packing list. The packing list will also include:

                      • Sold to
                      • Sent from
                      • Date
                      • Account No
                      • Contract No
                      • Shipping date
                      • Shipping Company

                      The details of what is being shipped will be included with multiple lines for multiple items shipped as part of the same shipment.

                      • Item description
                      • Quantity
                      • Shipping number
                      • Total weight
                      • Product number
                      • Shipping instructions
                      • Signature

                        Price List Template

                        Primarily used by businesses to keep track of the prices they have assigned to each item in their inventory, the price list template must contain four essential elements:

                        • Product number
                        • Product name
                        • Description
                        • Price

                        This list will be the master list used by employees and may be updated from time to time to add new products, change the price, or remove the item from the price list if it is no longer offered.

                          How to Create a List Template?

                          Setting up a list template is quite straightforward, and you can modify it as you gain experience with it. There are several steps to consider, which will make it easier to set up and provide you with great results.

                          Plan your list – take a moment to think about the objectives for the list and how you will use it.

                          Add Columns and rows – add titles for each column, rearrange them as needed, and leave space to add additional columns. Add rows for data entry. Typically, the first column will be an id number or serial number for reference purposes.

                          Test your list – add a few data points to confirm that it will meet your needs. Adjust the titles or add more columns as needed.

                          Finalize and Save – once you are satisfied with your list template, make copies or save it electronically. Always title the copy when it is being saved as a master list, type, serial number, and date. In the future, if you decide to update the list, the new list can be saved with the same name with a new date and serial number to help you keep track of your lists.


                          The following are a few of the typical frequently asked questions about creating and using various list templates.

                          How do you make a simple to-do list?

                          The simplest to-do list is a list of things that you need to accomplish; however, most people will add a priority to each item and a due date. This information helps them decide which of the many items on their list they should tackle first. If you are using an online system, the majority of to-do lists will provide tools to automatically sort your items based on the priority you assign or the date when they are due. These features help many consumers organize their lists.

                          What should a price list include?

                          It really depends on what you are attempting to achieve with your price list. Many people use them to help manage their shopping budget. Columns to include are
                          · Description
                          · Price
                          · Quantity
                          · Total cost

                          Some people will use the price list to help them comparison shop for items so they can compare which store has the best price. Adding columns for each store showing the price helps them compare prices and decide where to make their purchases.

                          How do I make an editable checklist?

                          Many software programs offer apps for smartphones and laptops. These apps offer many features, including modifying checklists. Spreadsheets take a little more effort; however, they are excellent for editing checklists. Copy and paste the list you want to edit to a new worksheet and make the changes required and save your file with a new name.

                          What is the main purpose of an attendance list?

                          Attendance lists at schools are used to track student attendance to provide the teacher with factual evidence. In some schools, students are not allowed to graduate if their attendance does not meet a specified threshold. It is also used in discussions with the student and their parents.
                          Attendance lists at seminars tracks who attended and also record their contact information for future follow-up and discussion about the seminar or discussion products offered by your company.

                          What does a packing list include?

                          The packing list usually includes the shipping companies name, address, and contact information as well as:
                          · Sold to
                          · Sent from
                          · Date
                          · Account No
                          · Contract No
                          · Shipping date
                          · Shipping Company

                          The details of what is being shipped will be included with multiple lines for multiple items shipped as part of the same shipment.
                          · Item description
                          · Quantity
                          · Shipping number
                          · Total weight
                          · Product number
                          · Shipping instructions
                          · Signature

                          What is a commercial packing list?

                          A commercial packing list lists the contents of the package as well as the weights, measurements, and a detailed list of the products or goods in each package. The commercial packing list is often attached to the outside of the package for easy access in a plastic container, securely attached to the package.

                          How do you make a donor list?

                          A donor list should contain information about the donors. These details can be used for future reference. Sending thank-you notes, tax receipts if applicable, and follow-up for future donations. The donor list should include:
                          · Reference number
                          · Donors name
                          · Donors address
                          · Donor’s contact information – email, telephone number
                          · Item donated
                          · Value or Amount donated
                          · Thankyou note sent
                          · Tax receipt provided
                          · Planned follow-up date

                          How do I make a catering list?

                          Several catering list templates may be required depending on your business and the services offered. A contract catering list includes all of the services offered by your company with a location for the customer to check off those services they need, the price, and a location for their signature.
                          From the contract catering list, some companies will create catering delivery checklist templates to capture all of the items that must be completed and delivered to the venue. If multiple groups are involved, there may be several lists, e.g., furniture, food, decoration, etc.; your list may also include who is assigned to each task and when each item needs to be completed.

                          What is an asset list?

                          Assets include property, investments, and anything that has value that can be identified and sold. Typically, assets include homes, vehicles, boats, second homes, stocks, bonds or mutual funds, and many other items of value. Assets typically will have a purchased value and a current value which can be more or less than the purchased price. Asset lists are used to capture all of the assets and determine the total value of an estate.

                          Key Points

                          Lists are extremely useful. They help organize our lives and avoid forgetting important items we need to keep track of. Lists can be simple with only the item you want to keep track of. They can be more complex and include reference numbers, start dates, due dates, priorities, and many more details that are needed to help manage the list.

                          Lists are used in our everyday lives, e.g., grocery lists, budgeting, to-do lists, and also in business. Many employees use to-do lists to avoid missing important work activities they need to complete. Packing slips are another type of list that must contain specific information to document the shipment referencing the account and providing instructions on where to ship the item.

                          Developing a master list template saves everyone time. Once the master list is developed, it is saved, and copies are used by individuals and employees over and over again. There is no need to create a new template each time, and it ensures that all of the items needed on the list are always included.

                          There are many different lists that are available online. They can be downloaded and modified to fit your specific needs.